Friday, May 28, 2010
May 29th 2010
On our month long recent visit to Israel we were alarmed and disturbed to discover that many of the Messianic believers do not believe in the divinity of Jesus. We have since made this a matter of much prayer. Today I received this heartening article from the pen of Asher Intrater the senior leader of a Messianic fellowship in Israel. In addition we received the following Email regarding an exciting incident that happened on Temple Mount while we were in Israel.
Gerald Rowlands
Divine and Davidic
By Asher Intrater
We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is both man and God. Once I was meditating on Romans 1 where Yeshua is described as Seed of David (verse 3) and Son of God (verse 4). I sensed the Holy Spirit ask me which was more important. I answered: "Being the Son of God." The Holy Spirit said, "No." To which I responded in surprise, "That He is the son of David?!" I sensed the Holy Spirit say again, "No." I was perplexed. The solution came in the still voice within: "That He is both together."
It is by being both God and man that Yeshua becomes the source of our salvation. He is God in the image of man, and man in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). He is the divine judge who punishes our sins and the human substitute who takes away our sins.
Among the Israeli Messianic leadership this past year, both sides of the issue were debated. There was a small group of leaders who denied Yeshua's divinity; there was another small group who denied his humanity. The vast majority of the pastors and elders stood firmly with His dual nature.
In the New Covenant scriptures there is a development in the understanding of who Yeshua is. It starts with the Davidic in the gospel of Matthew and progresses toward the Divine in the book of Revelation. I see three stages:
• Yeshua as king of Israel - synoptic gospels and Acts
• Yeshua as head of Church - Pauline Epistles
• Yeshua as angel of YHVH - Writings of John.
The New Covenant starts in Matthew with the genealogy of Yeshua. This chapter is a bridge which connects the gospel events to the biblical history of Israel's kingdom. The emphasis is that Yeshua is the son of David. [Note: For this reason the genealogy is divided into periods of 14 (verses 17-18). In Hebrew there are no vowels; therefore the equivalent of David is spelled: DVD. Each letter has a numerical value: D is 4; V is 6. David's name equals 4-6-4, totaling 14. The number 14 emphasizes that Yeshua is David's son.]
God gave the government of planet earth to David (II Samuel 7). If we don't understand the Davidic nature of Yeshua, we miss our dominion over this planet, the transformation of the kingdoms of the world (Revelation 11:15), the restoration of the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6), and the literal nature of the millennial kingdom. That's why the connection to David is so important.
With each stage of the revelation of Yeshua, there is a corresponding revelation of our destiny in Him. The revelation of Yeshua as king of Israel was given to Shimon (Peter) in Matthew 16. Yeshua tells Shimon that this revelation was not human or natural, but heavenly and supernatural (verse 17). At the same time, Peter receives spiritual authority that whatever he would bind or loose on earth would be done so in heaven (verse 18-19). The same is true for anyone today who comes to faith in the same revelation that Shimon Peter had.
The revelation of Yeshua as head of the Church was given to Shaul (Paul) in Ephesians 1. Yeshua has ascended into heaven over all powers and principalities (verses 20-21). Shaul says that this understanding was given to him by revelation and prays for us to have the same enlightenment (verses 17-18). That enlightenment will impart to us the same power and authority that Yeshua has, both in this world and the world to come. We are seated with Him spiritually in heaven (Ephesians 2:6-7).
The revelation of Yeshua as king of Israel was given to Shimon (Peter) and as head of the church to Shaul (Paul). Yet the full revelation of Yeshua as the angel of YHVH and the manifestation of God in human form was given to John (Yochanan). John's revelation also connects Yeshua to the Law of Moses and the Hebrew Prophets.
• He is the light and word of creation: John 1 and Genesis
• He is the Angel of the Lord whose finger wrote the Ten Commandments: John 8:6 and Exodus 31:18
• He is the God-man who appeared to Abraham: John 8:56 and Genesis 18
• He is the glorified King on the throne who appeared to Isaiah: John 12:41 and Isaiah 6
• He is the Man of fire who appeared to Daniel: Revelation 1:13-15 and 5. Daniel 10:5-6
• He is the Man on the throne over the cherubim who appeared to Ezekiel: Revelation 3:21; 4:2-7; 5:6-8 and Ezekiel 1:4-12, 26
• He is the Commander of the armies of YHVH who appeared to Joshua: Revelation 19:11-14 and Joshua 5:13-15.
The first stage of our destiny is revealed to us through Peter in the gospels; the second stage through Paul in the epistles. The ultimate stage is through John. The book of Revelation is the final revelation (Revelation 1:1).
As we meditate on the vision of Yeshua in the book of Revelation, a change takes place in us. As we grasp who He really is, so do we grasp who we are in Him. His eyes are a flame of fire. He wears many crowns. He is dressed in white, with a gold band on His chest and a sword coming out of His mouth. His hair is like wool and His face is shining like the sun.
When that picture gets IN you, it makes you different. There is new power, passion, and purity. Holiness burns out carnality and worldliness. We see a heavenly perspective of the kingdom. We are made ready for His coming. We have a new ability to judge and rule and war. Dominion and authority are imparted.
May we see both the Davidic and Divine aspects of Yeshua! May God grant us the understanding of who Yeshua is as was revealed to Peter, Paul, and John! And may we be changed to be like Him.
You can visit Asher's website at
On our month long recent visit to Israel we were alarmed and disturbed to discover that many of the Messianic believers do not believe in the divinity of Jesus. We have since made this a matter of much prayer. Today I received this heartening article from the pen of Asher Intrater the senior leader of a Messianic fellowship in Israel. In addition we received the following Email regarding an exciting incident that happened on Temple Mount while we were in Israel.
Gerald Rowlands
Divine and Davidic
By Asher Intrater
We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is both man and God. Once I was meditating on Romans 1 where Yeshua is described as Seed of David (verse 3) and Son of God (verse 4). I sensed the Holy Spirit ask me which was more important. I answered: "Being the Son of God." The Holy Spirit said, "No." To which I responded in surprise, "That He is the son of David?!" I sensed the Holy Spirit say again, "No." I was perplexed. The solution came in the still voice within: "That He is both together."
It is by being both God and man that Yeshua becomes the source of our salvation. He is God in the image of man, and man in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). He is the divine judge who punishes our sins and the human substitute who takes away our sins.
Among the Israeli Messianic leadership this past year, both sides of the issue were debated. There was a small group of leaders who denied Yeshua's divinity; there was another small group who denied his humanity. The vast majority of the pastors and elders stood firmly with His dual nature.
In the New Covenant scriptures there is a development in the understanding of who Yeshua is. It starts with the Davidic in the gospel of Matthew and progresses toward the Divine in the book of Revelation. I see three stages:
• Yeshua as king of Israel - synoptic gospels and Acts
• Yeshua as head of Church - Pauline Epistles
• Yeshua as angel of YHVH - Writings of John.
The New Covenant starts in Matthew with the genealogy of Yeshua. This chapter is a bridge which connects the gospel events to the biblical history of Israel's kingdom. The emphasis is that Yeshua is the son of David. [Note: For this reason the genealogy is divided into periods of 14 (verses 17-18). In Hebrew there are no vowels; therefore the equivalent of David is spelled: DVD. Each letter has a numerical value: D is 4; V is 6. David's name equals 4-6-4, totaling 14. The number 14 emphasizes that Yeshua is David's son.]
God gave the government of planet earth to David (II Samuel 7). If we don't understand the Davidic nature of Yeshua, we miss our dominion over this planet, the transformation of the kingdoms of the world (Revelation 11:15), the restoration of the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6), and the literal nature of the millennial kingdom. That's why the connection to David is so important.
With each stage of the revelation of Yeshua, there is a corresponding revelation of our destiny in Him. The revelation of Yeshua as king of Israel was given to Shimon (Peter) in Matthew 16. Yeshua tells Shimon that this revelation was not human or natural, but heavenly and supernatural (verse 17). At the same time, Peter receives spiritual authority that whatever he would bind or loose on earth would be done so in heaven (verse 18-19). The same is true for anyone today who comes to faith in the same revelation that Shimon Peter had.
The revelation of Yeshua as head of the Church was given to Shaul (Paul) in Ephesians 1. Yeshua has ascended into heaven over all powers and principalities (verses 20-21). Shaul says that this understanding was given to him by revelation and prays for us to have the same enlightenment (verses 17-18). That enlightenment will impart to us the same power and authority that Yeshua has, both in this world and the world to come. We are seated with Him spiritually in heaven (Ephesians 2:6-7).
The revelation of Yeshua as king of Israel was given to Shimon (Peter) and as head of the church to Shaul (Paul). Yet the full revelation of Yeshua as the angel of YHVH and the manifestation of God in human form was given to John (Yochanan). John's revelation also connects Yeshua to the Law of Moses and the Hebrew Prophets.
• He is the light and word of creation: John 1 and Genesis
• He is the Angel of the Lord whose finger wrote the Ten Commandments: John 8:6 and Exodus 31:18
• He is the God-man who appeared to Abraham: John 8:56 and Genesis 18
• He is the glorified King on the throne who appeared to Isaiah: John 12:41 and Isaiah 6
• He is the Man of fire who appeared to Daniel: Revelation 1:13-15 and 5. Daniel 10:5-6
• He is the Man on the throne over the cherubim who appeared to Ezekiel: Revelation 3:21; 4:2-7; 5:6-8 and Ezekiel 1:4-12, 26
• He is the Commander of the armies of YHVH who appeared to Joshua: Revelation 19:11-14 and Joshua 5:13-15.
The first stage of our destiny is revealed to us through Peter in the gospels; the second stage through Paul in the epistles. The ultimate stage is through John. The book of Revelation is the final revelation (Revelation 1:1).
As we meditate on the vision of Yeshua in the book of Revelation, a change takes place in us. As we grasp who He really is, so do we grasp who we are in Him. His eyes are a flame of fire. He wears many crowns. He is dressed in white, with a gold band on His chest and a sword coming out of His mouth. His hair is like wool and His face is shining like the sun.
When that picture gets IN you, it makes you different. There is new power, passion, and purity. Holiness burns out carnality and worldliness. We see a heavenly perspective of the kingdom. We are made ready for His coming. We have a new ability to judge and rule and war. Dominion and authority are imparted.
May we see both the Davidic and Divine aspects of Yeshua! May God grant us the understanding of who Yeshua is as was revealed to Peter, Paul, and John! And may we be changed to be like Him.
You can visit Asher's website at
New Development in Israel: Temple Mount Police Allow Rabbi to Prostrate Himself in Prayer

Teresa Neumann (May 27, 2010)
"In ancient times, Jews who ascended the Mount fully prostrated themselves as part of the prayers there. The regular Jewish prayer services in synagogues include several instances of bowing in the direction of the synagogue's Torah Ark, and partial prostration is carried out on some holidays."
FOUNDING EDITOR'S NOTE: While these Orthodox Rabbi's do not accept Jesus (Yeshua), might it be the beginning of Israel finally realizing they need something more than their rituals? Might it be that G-D is preparing them to receive even the Messiah? We know that day WILL COME. -Steve Shultz, BCN.
(Jerusalem, Israel)—A report from Arutz Sheva states that on May 25 a large group of hareidi-religious Jews ascended the Temple Mount and received friendly service from the police there—unlike the harsh police treatment that Jews typically receive on the Mount in recent years. One of the Jews was even reportedly allowed to fully prostrate himself in prayer, facing in the direction of the location of the ancient Temple—which is now occupied by a Muslim mosque. (Photo: Israel National News)
Not only was the group's ascension not blocked at the Mount, as in previous attempts on Passover, but police on the Mount were even courteous and friendly. Says the report, "They were gripped by excitement when one of the rabbis prostrated himself facing the presumed location of the Temple's Holy of Holies in ancient times. Police allowed this religious act as well."
According to the report, Jews are usually forbidden from openly praying or even mumbling prayers on the Mount, as part of an Israeli policy of complying with Muslim Wakf's demands in this matter.
Noted reporter Gil Ronen, "It is not completely clear whether the friendly police attitude Tuesday was a fluke or a sign of changing attitudes."
Temple Mount activist Yosef Rabin told Arutz Sheva that the event is a significant one. "There has been a long running effort to bring hareidim to the Mount and now it is starting to take root...It seems that everyone has followed the hareidi lead when it comes to Har HaBayit [Temple Mount], and now that hareidim are starting to go, we might start seeing a tremendous wave of all types."
Excitement on Temple Mount as Rabbi Prostrates Himself
by Gil Ronen
A large group of hareidi-religious Jews ascended the Temple Mount Tuesday and received friendly service from the police there – unlike the harsh police treatment that Jews typically receive on the Mount in recent years. One of the Jews was even allowed to fully prostrate himself in prayer, facing in the direction of the location of the ancient Temple – where the Muslim-built Dome of the Rock now stands.
Unlike previous Jewish ascensions to the Mount in the recent past, and in contrast to this group's last ascension on Passover, in which their entry to the Mount was blocked, police on the Mount were courteous and friendly. The group was allowed in promptly upon arrival and without delays. They were gripped by excitement when one of the rabbis prostrated himself facing the presumed location of the Temple's Holy of Holies in ancient times. Police allowed this religious act as well.
Jews are usually forbidden from openly praying or even mumbling prayers on the Mount, as part of an Israeli policy of complying with Muslim Wakf's demands in this matter. It is not completely clear whether the friendly police attitude Tuesday was a fluke or a sign of changing attitudes.
Temple Mount activist Yosef Rabin told Arutz Sheva that the event is a significant one. “There has been a long running effort to bring hareidim to the Mount and now it is starting to take root,” he said.
Rabin noted that ever since the liberation of the Mount in 1967, hareidi-religious Jews have usually preferred to avoid ascending it, and that the ones who went up to the holy site were Jews of the national-religious ilk. However, he said, “the image of the type of people that go to the Mount is starting to crack. It seems that everyone has followed the hareidi lead when it comes to Har HaBayit [Temple Mount], and now that hareidim are starting to go, we might start seeing a tremendous wave of all types.” Most of the renowned hareidi rabbis are against going up on the mountain, as was Rav Avraham Shapira zt"l of the zionist flagship Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, for fear of treading in places that are forbidden.
The group of Jews was led by Rabbi Yitzchak Brand of the city of Emanuel and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. The rabbis say they intend to bring ever-larger groups of Jews to the Mount with the purpose of eventually holding a Passover sacrifice there.
In ancient times, Jews who ascended the Mount fully prostrated themselves as part of the prayers there. The regular Jewish prayer services in synagogues include several instances of bowing in the direction of the synagogue's Torah Ark, and partial prostration is carried out on some holidays.
Rejoice to see the inspiring photo below of the Rabbi prostrated on Temple Mount.
Photo: Har HaBayit Shelanu (
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dear friends,
Elizabeth and I have just returned from an amazing month long visit to Israel. It was amazing firstly because the Lord organized the visit from the very beginning to the end. We did not actually definitely decide to make the trip until a couple of weeks before we were due to leave. Even so Elizabeth was able to organize our flights from our frequent flier points which in itself was quite remarkable. Although we flew economy we were treated like VIPs all the way.
Initially we were due to share the ministry to Russian and Ethiopian Messianic believers with our good friend David Smethurst. However, at the time of departure Dave was in the UK and all flights from there were cancelled because of the volcano problem in Iceland. Liz and I escaped the ramifications of this crisis in several ways as thousands of international flights across the world were cancelled. Through several miraculous interventions we arrived in Israel on schedule and ready to conduct the meetings that Dave and myself were supposed to share.
The first of these meetings were in Tel Aviv and I shared the basic message of my soon to be released book THE MESSIAH COMES TO ISRAEL. It is a message that vitally affects the immediate prophetic future of Israel and it was received very enthusiastically by all who heard it. Initially we spoke to a Messianic group of Russian believers. A few days later we shared the message with several even more excited groups of Ethiopian believers. The theme of the book centres on an inevitable attack that will soon be launched upon Israel by all her bordering neighbours plus Iran. When faced with the prospect of national annihilation Israel will be delivered by a direct supernatural intervention of Jehovah and His Messiah. This amazing victory will be followed immediately by a revelation of the Messianic identity of the deliverer which will provoke national grief, mourning and repentance and bring the whole nation to a recognition and acknowledgement of their Messiah. Although the message presented a very new and different prophetic perspective to all the leaders present, they examined it like the Bereans of old and became thrilled with the prospect of what Zechariah 12 actually presents. Every group to which we ministered begged us to return soon and promised that many other groups would be thrilled to hear this exciting message.
I was also very extremely interested to share the concept in discussions with other individual Messianic leaders in the land to discover what their reaction would be to this somewhat revolutionary prophetic scenario. The Lord organized numerous such occasions with avid discussions and much searching of the scriptures. In every case after much searching of scripture and frank discussions that provoked great interest, every leader we were privileged to meet gave us very positive and excited responses. We actually drove through many parts of Israel to connect with various Messianic leaders. In several cases we met some leaders unexpectedly as God caused our paths to cross in various parts of Israel.
One Messianic leader initially admitted that he did not want to even think about the future and what might transpire in and against Israel. But as I shared the theme of our book with him he became very excited and admitted that it was the most exciting and encouraging possibility he had ever heard or considered.
God has commissioned every Bible believer to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). However this command is even more necessary and imperative now that EVER BEFORE as the often repeated threat of mass destruction through weapons of mass destruction looms over Israel. In order to respond intelligently and passionately to this command it is ESSENTIAL TO UNDERSTAND from the scriptures exactly what is predicted for Israel’s future. We are also commanded to “Blow the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in God’s Holy mountain in Jerusalem.
Joel 2:1-2
1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand:
2 A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. NKJV
We need to sound this alarm in the ears of ALL BELIEVERS but particularly in the ears of every person in Israel. Please join us in prayer that God will supernaturally open up ways and means for this to happen. Our book has recently been printed and is now ready for distribution. Please pray with faith for its distribution TO ALL WHO NEED TO READ IT.
Gerald Rowlands’ new book THE MESSIAH COMES TO ISRAEL is certainly thought provoking and somewhat controversial. He introduces a prophetic possibility that is quite different from any of the usual Christian End Time scenarios. From Zechariah 12 and Psalm 83 he describes an attack launched in the last days upon Israel by all her nearby neighbours supported by Iran. This attack concludes with a supernatural and astounding victory for Israel through a direct intervention of God and the “Angel of the LORD”
Zechariah 12:10 then describes a time of Israel’s national grief and repentance towards their deliverer who reveals Himself as the One who was previously pierced. An outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplications on all the descendants of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem elicits a spirit of grief by the entire Jewish nation. This verse also describes the national recognition of the Messiah as the One consistently predicted throughout the Jewish Scriptures.
This amazing revelation would introduce a period of peace, prosperity and exaltation for Israel of the nature described by Isaiah 60, an inspiring prophetic chapter that begins with “Arise and shine Jerusalem for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you…The Lord will arise upon you and His glory shall be seen upon you…Gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising”.
Whilst gross darkness covers the Gentile world, Israel is illuminated before all the nations on earth by the Shekinah glory of the Lord. All of this transpires well before the war described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Indeed it is the peace and prosperity that pertains in Israel following this victory that entices Gog and Magog to finally launch their attack on Israel which is also repulsed and defeated by the sovereign God.
All of this makes for fascinating, challenging and insightful reading that every Bible lover should closely study. Without an understanding of this amazing chain of events that will happen very soon, an essential aspect of Bible prophecy is missing. These events constitute the next item in God’s prophetic agenda.
The book is published by Destiny Image Europe and can be obtained from
Destiny Image Europe, Via Acquacorrente, 6 - 65123 Pescara, ITALY
Tel +39 085 471 6623 Fax +39 085 943 1270
VAT Number: [IT]01950590693
Please Email Destiny Image Europe and tell them that you are eagerly awaiting the release of this book:
Email to:
Or from the author at or from:
Gerald Rowlands
PO Box 5262 SCMC
Nambour, Queensland 4560. Australia
Elizabeth and I have just returned from an amazing month long visit to Israel. It was amazing firstly because the Lord organized the visit from the very beginning to the end. We did not actually definitely decide to make the trip until a couple of weeks before we were due to leave. Even so Elizabeth was able to organize our flights from our frequent flier points which in itself was quite remarkable. Although we flew economy we were treated like VIPs all the way.
Initially we were due to share the ministry to Russian and Ethiopian Messianic believers with our good friend David Smethurst. However, at the time of departure Dave was in the UK and all flights from there were cancelled because of the volcano problem in Iceland. Liz and I escaped the ramifications of this crisis in several ways as thousands of international flights across the world were cancelled. Through several miraculous interventions we arrived in Israel on schedule and ready to conduct the meetings that Dave and myself were supposed to share.
The first of these meetings were in Tel Aviv and I shared the basic message of my soon to be released book THE MESSIAH COMES TO ISRAEL. It is a message that vitally affects the immediate prophetic future of Israel and it was received very enthusiastically by all who heard it. Initially we spoke to a Messianic group of Russian believers. A few days later we shared the message with several even more excited groups of Ethiopian believers. The theme of the book centres on an inevitable attack that will soon be launched upon Israel by all her bordering neighbours plus Iran. When faced with the prospect of national annihilation Israel will be delivered by a direct supernatural intervention of Jehovah and His Messiah. This amazing victory will be followed immediately by a revelation of the Messianic identity of the deliverer which will provoke national grief, mourning and repentance and bring the whole nation to a recognition and acknowledgement of their Messiah. Although the message presented a very new and different prophetic perspective to all the leaders present, they examined it like the Bereans of old and became thrilled with the prospect of what Zechariah 12 actually presents. Every group to which we ministered begged us to return soon and promised that many other groups would be thrilled to hear this exciting message.
I was also very extremely interested to share the concept in discussions with other individual Messianic leaders in the land to discover what their reaction would be to this somewhat revolutionary prophetic scenario. The Lord organized numerous such occasions with avid discussions and much searching of the scriptures. In every case after much searching of scripture and frank discussions that provoked great interest, every leader we were privileged to meet gave us very positive and excited responses. We actually drove through many parts of Israel to connect with various Messianic leaders. In several cases we met some leaders unexpectedly as God caused our paths to cross in various parts of Israel.
One Messianic leader initially admitted that he did not want to even think about the future and what might transpire in and against Israel. But as I shared the theme of our book with him he became very excited and admitted that it was the most exciting and encouraging possibility he had ever heard or considered.
God has commissioned every Bible believer to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). However this command is even more necessary and imperative now that EVER BEFORE as the often repeated threat of mass destruction through weapons of mass destruction looms over Israel. In order to respond intelligently and passionately to this command it is ESSENTIAL TO UNDERSTAND from the scriptures exactly what is predicted for Israel’s future. We are also commanded to “Blow the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in God’s Holy mountain in Jerusalem.
Joel 2:1-2
1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand:
2 A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. NKJV
We need to sound this alarm in the ears of ALL BELIEVERS but particularly in the ears of every person in Israel. Please join us in prayer that God will supernaturally open up ways and means for this to happen. Our book has recently been printed and is now ready for distribution. Please pray with faith for its distribution TO ALL WHO NEED TO READ IT.
Gerald Rowlands’ new book THE MESSIAH COMES TO ISRAEL is certainly thought provoking and somewhat controversial. He introduces a prophetic possibility that is quite different from any of the usual Christian End Time scenarios. From Zechariah 12 and Psalm 83 he describes an attack launched in the last days upon Israel by all her nearby neighbours supported by Iran. This attack concludes with a supernatural and astounding victory for Israel through a direct intervention of God and the “Angel of the LORD”
Zechariah 12:10 then describes a time of Israel’s national grief and repentance towards their deliverer who reveals Himself as the One who was previously pierced. An outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplications on all the descendants of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem elicits a spirit of grief by the entire Jewish nation. This verse also describes the national recognition of the Messiah as the One consistently predicted throughout the Jewish Scriptures.
This amazing revelation would introduce a period of peace, prosperity and exaltation for Israel of the nature described by Isaiah 60, an inspiring prophetic chapter that begins with “Arise and shine Jerusalem for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you…The Lord will arise upon you and His glory shall be seen upon you…Gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising”.
Whilst gross darkness covers the Gentile world, Israel is illuminated before all the nations on earth by the Shekinah glory of the Lord. All of this transpires well before the war described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Indeed it is the peace and prosperity that pertains in Israel following this victory that entices Gog and Magog to finally launch their attack on Israel which is also repulsed and defeated by the sovereign God.
All of this makes for fascinating, challenging and insightful reading that every Bible lover should closely study. Without an understanding of this amazing chain of events that will happen very soon, an essential aspect of Bible prophecy is missing. These events constitute the next item in God’s prophetic agenda.
The book is published by Destiny Image Europe and can be obtained from
Destiny Image Europe, Via Acquacorrente, 6 - 65123 Pescara, ITALY
Tel +39 085 471 6623 Fax +39 085 943 1270
VAT Number: [IT]01950590693
Please Email Destiny Image Europe and tell them that you are eagerly awaiting the release of this book:
Email to:
Or from the author at or from:
Gerald Rowlands
PO Box 5262 SCMC
Nambour, Queensland 4560. Australia
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