From a purely military perspective Israel currently faces the possibility of total destruction. Extreme Islamic fanaticism plus an arsenal of missiles and weapons of mass destruction could equal a massive elimination of the tiny nation. Islamic prophecy demands the eradication of all infidels (Jews and Christians) from the land they call Palestine. Before Islam can subdue the whole world it must first conquer Israel. These are the words of Muhammad himself and his true followers are completely dedicated to attaining this goal. Current voices of radical Islam are fervently calling for the total destruction of Israel that even the very memory of its existence will be forever eliminated.
Most nations on earth are now in favour of an Islamic Palestinian State through a program engineered and supported by the United Nations Organisation under pressure from Islamic nations. Such a State would be a gigantic step towards the possible imminent annihilation of Israel. The perverted power of UNO may well create the Palestinian State in the very near future. An unthinkable victory for Islam that would eradicate Israel would render the Bible completely unreliable. The prophecies and promises of God that guarantee Israel’s future safety would become null and void. Thus His character would be irrevocably flawed. And with that the whole Bible would be considered unreliable.
Meanwhile, the Church for the most part, seems completely oblivious of the universal havoc that the planned attack on Israel could produce. The Church like the rest of the world seems to be blissfully ignorant of how serious a situation the world is in. Everyone, including the Church is acting as though nothing serious is amiss. Despite the blatant signs of unrest the Church is engaged in its business as usual mentality. It is also willingly ignorant of the essential role of Israel in the prophetic purposes of God. It is also completely unaware of what the negative impact of such an Islamic victory would have on Christianity, the Bible and the God of the Bible. Thankfully such a victory will never happen, but defeat will only be averted by a direct, supernatural intervention of God. (Zechariah 12:9).
The challenge to stand with and pray passionately for Israel has never been greater than at this present moment. The battle lines are currently drawn between Yaweh and the anti-Christ. There is no middle neutral ground. If we are not fervently and practically standing with Israel and the Holy One of Israel then we are standing in opposition to God Himself. This great battle which is currently taking place in the heavens will soon be enacted on the earth. The attack that is launched on Israel will have universal repercussions. No nation or individual will be exempt from the aftermath. Now is the imperative moment to take a stand on the side of God and righteousness. It must be a strong determined action involving total commitment. The prophetic future is invading the present hour. The outcome of this present hour will have eternal effects. The decision that this current situation demands is the most important matter that all Christians currently face. Nothing on our Christian agenda is more important than our attitude and actions regarding the tremendous threats that Israel currently faces. The words of scripture echo once again. Joshua 24:15.
Choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. KJV