Ezekiel 29:21 "And the day will come when I will cause the ancient glory of Israel to revive, and then at last your words will be respected. Then they will know that I am the LORD." NLT
As we move into the prophetic time frame relative to the Return of Jesus, the church needs to be awakened, alerted, challenged and taught regarding the common destiny of the Church and Israel. Christian media (Radio and TV) is obviously the best opportunity that we have through which to accomplish this. The return of the Lord is vitally linked with the attitude of the Jewish nation. (Matthew 23:39)
The world is currently faced with several possible disasters including global warming, economic collapse and new deadly diseases. However the greatest and most imminent threat is in the Middle East in a war that is about to be unleashed upon Israel which will have the potential to seriously devastate the whole world. This war will undermine the social, political, economic and religious aspects of world society. It is a war that will be conducted by fanatical Islamic forces in their determined ultimate purpose to assume total world domination. Although Islam presents itself publicly as a religion of peace it is actually a religious, political ideology with ambitions to transform the world into an international enclave of Islam. The real power behind this plan is actually a spiritual one and the only power that can withstand and defeat it is also a spiritual power. No political humanistic power can defeat the determined objective of Islam. Only the authority of Jehovah the true God, can achieve victory over the principality of Allah.
Zechariah predicted this war some 2,500 years ago. He also predicted that in its aftermath, the long awaited Jewish Messiah would appear again to Israel. This miraculous appearance will totally transform Israel and subsequently introduce a new era of peace and prosperity for Israel. God’s glorious light will arise over Jerusalem and all the nations will recognize that God’s presence is there. This horrendous clash of ideologies is inevitable yet many people are too fearful to acknowledge this. Political correctness dictates that we should not even speak of such things lest we offend someone. However, it would be absolute foolishness to capitulate to such ideas and leave ourselves totally unprepared for events that will surely happen and will forever change the world in which we live.
Gerald Rowlands
Queensland, Australia
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